How to engage in a conversation with them

Get to know your debtor and use this knowledge to increase the efficiency in recovering your money.

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Types of debtors

How to engage in a conversation with them?

Get to know your debtor and use this knowledge to increase the efficiency in recovering your money.

Download the free guide

The controller of your personal data provided in the above form is Transcash S.A. with its registered office in Wroclaw, at ul. Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. The data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy - by submitting the form above you certify that you have read its content.




Your Value Proposition





Czemu warto weryfikować kontrahentów?

Jakie dane są potrzebne do wyszukiwania, co zawierają i pewne dane mogą okazać się trudne do interpretacji bez znajomości przepisów prawa.

Jak korzystać z rejestrów?


Polski, Czech, Słowacji, Litwy, Rumunii, Bułgarii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Hiszpanii.

Informacje o bazach do weryfikacji dłużników z:



Na co zwracać uwagę przy weryfikacji dłużnika, czyli weryfikacja poza bazą.

Co zrobić, jeśli zagraniczny kontrahent nie płaci - czy możesz obciążyć dłużnika kosztem windykacji?


About us

At Transcash, we care about the financial security of companies from the TSL industry. We specialize in financial, debt collection and legal services for the transport industry in international and domestic relations.

For 16 years, we have been helping our clients in the effective recovery of payment arrears, and since 2016 also in the financing of invoices. From the beginning of our existence, we have focused on providing smart & fair solutions. We know how severe the effects of loss of financial liquidity can be, which is why we create comprehensive solutions - from examining the credibility of contractors, through financing invoices and monitoring payments, to amicable and judicial debt collection.

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